Tuesday, January 17, 2006


RIP Jude

At 3.50pm today, Jude passed away peacefully in her sleep. Her father and neice were with her at the time. Marianne and I were just about to head out the door when her brother rung me to let me know... But what freaked me out was that about the same time I had a real funny feeling in my tummy and thought "shit something is not right" so I guess it was the ole saying of a "gut feeling".... The family still wanted us to come out to the hospice to be with them and to see Jude for one last time which was really special to everyone.

I am in the middle of writing a tribute to her which I will read at her funeral which will probably be on Friday but once I have that to my liking I will post it here along with the "famous" photo that everyone now seems to want! I have lost count of how many people want a copy of it now - I think I am up to 4 enlargements of it and about 5 normal size ones... so I think I will get them printed off tomorrow at some stage. Would have done it tonight but the place where I get them done was closed by the time I left the hospice.

The family have also asked me to be at a meeting tomorrow morning to help organise the funeral since I was such a good friend to Jude. I tried telling her brother that I wasn't needed there and that it was family time but he insisted that the whole family would like me there... so at this stage I think I will go to work in the morning till 10.30am and then head out to Upper Hutt for the get together and then will probably just spend the afternoon with them all. Actually I will need to take the photo with me when I go there as they are wanting to use it on the service sheet too so perhaps I won't go to work afterall... but anyway will see how things are in the morning.

But I will leave it at that for now as I still have some phone calls to make and want to do some more work on my tribute to Jude... Thank you all for your lovely comments, txts and emails - they mean so much to me knowing how much you all care for me! I have been blown away by them all! Love ya all

PS Happy Birthday Mum... glad you had a wonderful day and I hope you are having fun with the DVD player!

RIP Jude.

Karen, I just think you are so incredibly brave and strong - its no wonder Judes family are so anxious to have you there, I'm sure you are a pillar of strength to the whole family.

It sounds like you're doing a wonderful job with the tribute, I know you will find just the right words to express your feelings about your special friend.

Big hugs xxx

Love Jackie
Well Emily has just said exactly what I was thinking. You are such a beautiful person Karen. I'm sorry you have lost such a dear friend, and it's just so incredibly sad. Thinking of you, and sending you much strength and love. xxx
Not much can be said at this time except that you were a friend and family for Jude right to the end. But for you just now a HUGE HUG.
As the others have said, you have been marvelous through all of this. I was thinking our quick this has been - only three months since you found out she was not well. It certainly does make you realise what is important in life.
I think we all have had a little tear in our eye - thinking of you and Jude - she is no longer suffering and at peace.
Be brave - stay strong and cry :(
So sorry to hear the news Karen. You really have been such a supportive friend to Jude and I obviously her family realise that as well. Thinking of you.

Love Anne
Karen, you made such a huge impact on Jude and her family's life. Celebrate her existence and savour the wonderful memories you have of her.

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called the present.
Huigs to you girl.... I'm thinking of ya hun.
Karen, you have been amazing to your friend and that is something that can never be forgotten. Jude sounds like a great lady and you sound like a great friend. I wish you peace through this time, and to Jude's family as well.
My deepest condolences Karen.

Hi Karen,

I read your journal every day and I just wanted to say what a true dear friend you are, it is times like you have been writing about that friends mean the world to people and their families. You are a very special person. Sometimes we think that what we do is just a part of being a friend, but in essence it can mean the world to someone... I am sorry for the loss of your friend, but she knew you loved her and you will never forget her ever.
im really sorry hun, you are an amazingly strong and unselfish person. huge hugs to you, make sure when things are calmed down, you take some much needed time just for you. xxx
So sorry for your loss of a dear firend.
OMG hun I didn't read any blogs last night... I am so sorry I didn't because I missed your post. Big hugs re Jude I know she meant a lot to you.

I am thinking of you!

Love CM
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