Monday, March 06, 2006


Another week begins

Hi ya

Am feeling a wee bit better today but still a bit blah. I guess with the way our workload was today I could have stayed home sick though on saying that our Temp "F" went home sick mid afternoon after going suddenly pale and then throwing up in the ladies, so she got promptly sent home. All going well I will have my Mental Health day later in the week - perhaps Wednesday or Thursday.

So food today - hmmmm not the best of choices made today for snacks - quite a bit of raspberry liquorice but oh it was so nice! LOL Well at the time it was but I did feel sick afterwards for a wee while - guess that will serve me right for being a wee piggy! Stopped at New World on way to work this morning and got some crackers, hummus, and small tins and some fruit to keep me going for the next day or so for lunches. Gotta start budgeting for lunches now since we will be home owners soon. Water - oh about 1.5 litres so not the best but it was cold weather wise! :)

Didn't get to the gym today - thought I would be better off taking it easy for a couple of days and resting and surprisingly enough Robyn from the gym agreed with me! I think she wants me fit as reins for the one on one she has planned for me for next Wednesday and for the Duathlon too...

Right best, I get moving - gotta get back to Mitre 10 Dream Home to get some more ideas not that we have the biggest of hallways or laundry's (thats what they are working on this week) to work with but still we might get some ideas.

Catch ya all later

I'm gonna come down there and give you a telling off if you haven't had a mental health day in the next 2 weeks - thats your deadline :P (I'm just kidding, but I seriously think it will be a great thing for you, as long as you can relax enough to enjoy it!).
I'm sure I left a comment for you in the last day or two but can't seem to see it anywhere.

Anyhoo, hope you are feeling better today but if not, just take it easy.

And I totally agree with Kate, if you need the time off, TAKE IT! :D
Good on you for deciding to take it easy until you start to feel a bit better - take care:) Hope you soon feel back to normal.
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