Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Just a quickie

Hi ya

Not too much to say really tonight so will try not to blabber on for too long...

Thanks to Kim and Jodie for the reassurance re my levels from my tests (see last nights post). I also rung the Dr's nurse and although she couldn't give me a range that I should be in - it was apparently noted on my file that the results were "very appropiate for my dates" which I guess is all good.

After yesterday comment about being so bored yesterday - today was definitely busier - everytime the fax machine went it seemed to be for me and my phone definitely rung more than the others! LOL But hey it made the day go faster I guess.

Met two friends for lunch - these two lovely ladies I met through the forum that I belong to for miscarriages, TTC, mums to be etc... and we met up for lunch in Oct last year just after the three of us had suffered miscarriages. This was only the 2nd time we had met up but we have remained in contact through the forum. Both of these wonderful ladies are pregnant and both are due in August so it was quite good being able to be with them and be pregnant too.

Had a txt from Robyn at the gym this evening just checking up on me - so that was nice :)

Nothing else to say - got a couple of calls to make so guess I will go do those.

Catch ya all later

Glad things are going well, I meant to comment last night and say those levels seemed fine to me. I'm sure they will be slightly different with each pregnancy, and they would have contacted you if you were to be worried.
Please to hear the levels are ok!

Have a great day:)
You can't blame you or worrying... I guess you will be a little worry wart (awful term) until this bub pops out...
Now names... do we have to help you choose some names??
I have some great names left over!!
your happiness and excitment just radiates through your's wonderful :)
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