Monday, March 20, 2006



Hi ya

Well another day another dollar... and another day closer to my scan which is on Saturday. I am pretty nervous about this scan and quite apprehensive about it all - I am really scared that I will get told that the baby has died but yet I am trying to think positively as well. There are so many good omens why this baby is meant to be this time around so I am sure it will be ok but that doesn't stop me thinking about all the "what ifs" as well... So the scan is at 12pm on Saturday - could have gone earlier but as I need to have full bladder (drink 1 litre of water between 10.30am and 11am and then not being allowed to go to the loo until after the scan) I didn't fancy having to get up at some ungodly hour on a Saturday to drink all that water. Perhaps once I get past the 12 week mark I will make them for earlier in the day.

I also need to get my second lot of bloods done and was contemplating getting them done prior to the scan but I will have a full bladder and not sure if I will be able to keep still long enough but then it would keep my mind occupied I guess :)

Work today was good - not as busy as it usually is for a Monday of close-off which is quite scary really but am sure it will start piling in soon. Everyone has been talking about our colleague Mark Kearney who is the lovely chap missing (presumed dead) on Raoul Island. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family who are local in the Wgtn region.

Food today - brilliant overall. No chocolate again so yippeee!! Had 4 pieces of fruit which is great for me. And instead of Sesameal crackers which must be quite high in points I got rice crackers instead and I know 10 of those = 1 point :) I also bought a bag of tomatoes and a loaf of bread to last me the week so tomato sandwiches it is for me this week. I love tomato sandwiches and could eat them forever! :) Water has been great as well so am pleased with that. Exercise - well I am really struggling to even do the walk to and from the station at the moment but still doing it - just slowly.

Anyway, enough rambling from me - I seem to have a bit of an earache at the moment... and my sting is stil quite red and the lump is still there when you run your finger over my arm. We have worked out that I was stung by a honey bee... if its no better tomorrow I might drop in to the chemist and see what they say.

Catch ya all later

We've all got our fingers crossed for your scan. It sure is very scary, but I'm praying everything is going to be ok. As you said, lots of good signs this time around!
Fingers crossed for you!!!! Tomatoes on taost is yummy too....

Cheers jaxx
Sending positive thoughts your way for the scan on Saturday. Keep thinking of those good omens!!

You are so organised planning your lunches ahead - can't say I'm into tomato sandwiches but love them on toast. Have a great week!!
Will be thinking of you on Saturday hun.

Love CM
Good luck for the scan - make sure you let us know how you go as soon as you can.
Good Luck for the scan this saturday....sending you and the baby lots of positive vibes :)
I know it's pointless to tell you not to worry, but we'll all be sending you lots of positive vibes - that's got to make a difference!
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