Saturday, March 18, 2006



Well it is only 8.20pm on Saturday and I am totally buggered and that is despite having two wee nana naps this afternoon! No point in going to bed just yet either though as I have to put the clocks back an hour and that would be being in bed by 7.30pm! LOL And that my friends is just a wee bit early for me... so will see how I go and try to stay up for at least another hour or so.

Woke this morning and decided that I was going to go for a walk so did a nice walk - think the particular circut I did is about 3.9kms and it took me 45 mins! And as I can usually do 5kms in under 45mins you can see I certainly wasn't rushing things at all - it was just a nice leisurely walk which I really did enjoy.

Hmmm what else have I done today - groceries, housework, nana naps, surfed the net, cooked tea, watched some tv and now I am back here... so really sweet bugger all but I still feel shattered so am taking that to be a good sign.

Am missing Jude heaps at the moment especially over the last couple of days - it was 2mths yesterday and that was quite hard. I know she will be so exsatic for Steph and I with the baby on the way but I so wish she was here. All I wanted to do this afternoon was visit her or just even talk to her!

Oh this afternoon on the way home from doing the groceries I got stung by something when I had my arm sitting on the window ledge. Not sure what it was but boy oh boy it sure did hurt. A wee lump came up but after putting some Aloe Vera gel on it - it seems to have gone down and the redness has gone away but if you rub your finger over it you can feel a bump so will keep an eye on it over the weekend. It is very tender to touch as well.

Anyway, no point in me rambling just because I am bored and tired :) So will sign off now and will catch ya all later on.

Maybe with your walks just take your time and not worry too much about the times, as long as you are enjoying them and keeping active.

LOL at you feeling ready for bed 8.20pm - those early days of pregnancy used to bowl me with extreme tiredness.

Feel for you missing Jude so much.
Wow, now I understand why you're always so busy with payroll! Doesn't look very good for the missing worker does it, such a tragedy.

Sorry to hear you are missing Jude so much, but I'm sure she will be your biggest supporter in this pregnancy.

Hope that bite is nothing too serious.
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