Thursday, March 02, 2006


Weigh In

Hi all

Yeap that time of the week again and am pleased to be able to annouce my third loss in a row! Yipppee!! Ok it was only 400gms but hey a loss is a loss and I am happy with that! Takes my total loss now to 41.3 kilos and my weight down to 87.9 kilos! :) This is the same weight I was mid January and the lowest I have been for god knows how many years so with next weeks loss (yeap thinking ahead positively) I will be in to "virgin" fat - bring it on I say!

I must admit I was a WEE bit apprenhensive about weigh in today as my food today has not been the best with lots of Jelly Beans eaten (long story there but there was a HUGE bowl of them in our office) but as Barbara says there is very little fat in those just lots of sugar so they wouldn't really affect my weight... also had 3 Anzac biscuits for morning tea (GM's weekly morning tea with us). She used to bring up Choccie biscuits but now its usually plain ones which I guess are better in a round about way.

But I guess apart from the Jelly Beans and biscuits my food today has been great. Water - hmmm only about 1.75 litres so that is so, so I guess. Though I am thinking of going out on the bike for a wee ride so IF I do I will be drinking more water there.

No major exercise as yet - just my usual walk and Plimmer Stairs. I have noticed that I am not puffing as much at the top of the Stairs as I was back in November when I started back at DOC so that is great and I also do them faster as well :)

Just found out today that my ex hubby and his partner had twin girls on Tuesday as they have sent some photos through... cute but made me a bit sad too. TOM is lurking around the corner... I think... god I hate this part of being a woman epsecially when one is trying to get pregnant! It really does suck that TOM symptoms and Pregnancy symptoms are so damn similar - sore boobs, nauesa, crampy feeling in tum etc etc... I am sure those of you who are already Mums know what I am talking about. Am going to try to hold off from testing until at least Monday as my cycle is varying in lengths at the moment from 28 days up to 36 days. No tests in the house and I am not planning on buying any until at least Monday but on saying that things are pretty tight this pay day so it might even end up waiting till Wednesday when we get paid - will wait and see.

Okay enough rambling from me - hope you all have a great Friday and that the weather isn't too shitty over the weekend.

HUn I so know how u r feeling, those am I aren't I days so suck. Big hugs to you.
Well done on another loss Karen - great going! They really do all add up.

Sending positive vibes your way:-)
Another great loss - you are doing so well to just keep on going!

It's really hard being a girl! It's so up and down with hormones etc. I have my fingers crossed for you, as always.

Does this job ever have to send you to Auckland? :-)
Another loss this week - well done. Hope you have a great weekend.
Well done on another loss - keep up the good work !!!
Congrats on the house - welcome to the world of mortgages !!!! I hope you will be really happy in your new home.
Take care and be good !
Hi there Karen... hopefully you will have the break opene hte pay packet and bust into the pharmacy on wednesday as you will still be waiting to find out... i really hope you do have to make the test purchase!!
"Ex-husband" this is the first that I have heard of this.... skeltons in the closet hey Karen... he he he ... mostly likely not a laughing matter and I can understand feeling sad about the kids... But soon you will have your own running around your own back yard.. pulling off wall paper in your toilet, writing on your own walls, blood noses in their beds (That happened to me this morning...) so much joy to wait for..
Have a fantastic weekend and really do hope that you are bursting to get a pregnancy test by next Wednesday...
Well done on your loss. I hope everything turns out the way you want.

Have a good weekend.

Kia Ora Karen from a "male" blogger at the city at the top end. Good on you for sticking with it !!! It no doubt puts a smile on your dial, when you see the dial of the scales !!! Keep it up.
I hope you don't mind - I have listed your blog on my blog - NZ Websites & Blogs - @ 981
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