Thursday, April 06, 2006


Weigh In

Hi ya

Not too much to say really except I wandered along to weigh in expecting another gain as I was up 100gms on the home ones... but the scales were definitely on my side today recording a 500gm loss! Yipppee!!! Am pleased with that considering my food intake but hey like I said I am not gonna stress about my food and just go with the flow and just accept whatever the scales tell me but hey like any of us on the weight loss journey - when we lose we are gonna be happy! :)

Work today wasn't too bad - cruisey at times but busy at others... "L" and I are trying to work through an issue for a staff member going back to 2000 and its proving to be very time consuming. We ended up getting 2 boxes in from Archives this afternoon to assist us in our inquiry so we go to the next step tomorrow all going well. My boss has "donated" to the team a sandwich/panini press which will be great for toasties etc over the winter. And as I had planned on tomato sandwiches today it was great to be able to toast them - makes them even more yummier! And we have a spare toaster here which I was going to give to the Salvation Army but as we don't have one on our floor at work - I might take it into work so we can have soup and toast during the winter as well.

Am just waiting for a lady to turn up to collect a couple of items she bought off me through Trade Me - hopefully she turns up otherwise I will be pissed off as I am thinking of popping out after tea.

Speaking of tea - Steph is cooking Nachos tonight - though with my guidance as he hasn't made them before! LOL

Right they are almost ready - catch ya all later


Pleased you aren't going to be stressing about your weight - but all the same what a great loss Karen:)

I'm a bit of a toasted sandwich lover - nothing better in Winter.

Thanks for lovely comment to me - and yes I had thought about a heart monitor, I feel so much fitter so will be interesting to be able to monitor my progress.
OK...your post has made me hungry..LOL. Paninis....yum....Nachos...YUM!

Hope your Trader turned up...nothing worse than waiting around when you want to be going out!

Congrats on the great loss too!
Gotta love those unexpected losses!!

The toastie machine and toaster at work certainly are a good idea - heaps easier (and cheaper) to keep a loaf of bread in the freezer and make your lunches each day.
Woohoo for the loss hun...

I hope they turned up for the items hun... it is a pain when people don't meet appointments especially when you don't know them.

Love ya
Hi Karen ...

It's the stranger from Christchurch here!! Lol.

Must be something about sandwich pressses and bosses this week ... one of my work colleagues convinced our boss on Monday that we needed one, and within 5 minutes I was out the door and on my way to Briscoes with work Mastercard in hand ... and I must say it's been well used by the others already. I just need to get organised enough in the mornings to put together something appropriate to toast ... and as I'm most definitely not a morning person, that will be a challenge!!

I'm glad you had a weigh in that you were pleased with today ....

Have a good day tomorrow.

- Paula
We have a sandwich press on our floor - and the smell drives me carzy! It's one of those smells that makes me so hungry...
Hey there...
Hope that you get lots of packing done over the weekend at start seeing the back of some cupboards!!
You have a nice boss hey... are you thinking about when you might finish up work yet for parent leave?? I work up util a week before my first child was born.. it was great to stay busy and not go crazy at home..
Take care and love to you and Steph..
Kirsty x
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