Tuesday, April 04, 2006


What can I say....

except an enourmous heart felt THANK YOU to each and every one of you for the most amazing comments that have been left on last nights blog and to those that emailed me directly as well! I have been totally blown away by them all and have shed many a tear reading all the wonderful, lovely, supportive comments and emails! For those of you who, who have come out of the "woodwork" to comment - thank you so much - that means so much to me!

I certainly didn't mean to come across like I was ungrateful for the comments that I have been receiving as I certainly do appreciate each and every one of them! I guess I felt hardly anyone was reading my blog anymore and was there much point in continuing but after your comments - you can't get rid of me! I will continue with my blog but perhaps not daily (like I have tried to do for the last 3 years) - just when I feel like it - maybe 2/3 times a week.

I won't be talking about the food side of things unless of course I guess I have some exceptionally good or bad to say! You all know I am trying my best to eat healthly during the pregnancy but at times that is way easier said than done! I am also doing my best to drink a minimum of 1.5 litres of water a day as well... the only thing I have been lacking in is the exercise - and well I walk when I can at the weekends but at the moment the majority of the time it takes too much energy - energy which I just don't seem to have right now... perhaps after the first triemester I will rediscover it!

Speaking of the pregnancy... I thought I was getting my nuchal fold scan at my next appt at the hospital clinic on the 20th April but after hearing some info I thought I had better ring and check... and no I am not getting it then, they just give me the referral to have it done. Thank goodness I checked - so have rung Pacific Radiology and booked it in for Saturday 29th April :) So its still 25 days away but with the move etc hopefully the time will fly.

Right this has taken me a while to write between dinner and Shortland St ad breaks - so best I post it.

Once agin a huge thank you to each and everyone of you and I am sorry if I ever doubted that nobody cares cause I sure as hell now know that you do! Lets put it down to the hormones!!!

Those hormones have lots to answer for sometimes!

Really pleased that you will stay updating and looking forward to seeing your pregnancy progress:)
No Karen, thank you, for staying with us


Yay I'm glad you will be staying, and to be honest I prefer updates that are real rather than 'this is what i ate and what exercise I did' :-) We wanna hear the nitty gritty real stuff!!

And those hormones have a lot to answer for huh? :-)
I am glad you are still posting hun... wohoooo

Love ya
Those hormones :o)
....Those hormones are going to explain a LOT in the next months (maybe years if you breastfeed!). No need to apologise for them ever, they're part and parcel of this wonderful journey you're on!
If they tell you to eat chocolate then eat a little, if they tell you to take a few days off blogging then do it, if they tell you to tell Steph to rub your feet then brink you breakfast in bed then you tell him THEY said so! LOL.
So glad you have so much support.
Anytime you (or your hormones) need a bit more just holler!
Hey Karen, sorry I missed your last couple of posts, but glad to see that Blogland gathered together to give you some much needed support over the last few days. Hope everything is going great, and am really pleased to see you will be sticking around.

I'm another who loves to hear about what you've been up to (especially with your pregnancy), and I am reading because of YOU not because it is "supposed" to be a weight-loss journal.

Take care xxx
I am so sorry for not commenting sooner. Have given myself a few days off as have been really, REALLY ill with morning sickness.

And the one time I do have a break, you need everyone more than ever. I am so sorry.

I am always here with you, even if I am a few days behind, don't you ever doubt that.

You are an amazing woman, Karen, you hear and I am so honoured to have you in my life.

Hormones and all LOL!!
I'm sure you'll get your energy back - the combination of first trimester and organising the move must be really draining.
Hi Karen. I am not a lurker as I seem to have missed your blog. Will visit regularly and hearing about the pregnancy will not be boring I assure you. good luck with this week and hope your feeling better emotionally.
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